
Thursday, December 3, 2009


i have been recently scanning other blogs - to either get more inspiration - or just to read something - i go through phases in which i read like a book a day and then nothing for 6 weeks - i am ending the 6 week period and i need a book to read pronto

anyway - back to what i was talking about previously
i've noticed a lot of blogs that deal with medical problems or issues of the author or someone in their family -

i dont have any medical issues worth talking about - ( here ) anyway
but i have come to realize that i am a cheater when it comes to relationships
either i cheat on my significant other - or i am the other man
a recent example was i was " seeing " this lady and i went out
with three other women during the 6 month period....

nothing happened but i knew then that when i am not getting treated how i want or get enough attention in a relationship - i'm out
searching for another woman to fill the void

i figure as long as i know how i am going to act then its an acceptable part of my behavior -

i love women too much to be with just one.

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