
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

pre valentines day

I haven't written in this blog in over 4 years.... a lot has happened..still at the same job. Currently dealing with my mom needing two knees. My uncle having stage 4 prostrate cancer which has spread to his bones and possibly his lungs. good friend of family who Ive known since birth ( i recently turned 50 ) was in a car accident so bad that she had to be cut out of the car. She may not walk again. what else??? I started producing music... check it out here or here I am still dodging mostly unwanted sexual advances at work and also trying to out kick my coverage which my friend brian calls it my folly and tomfoolery I call it me being counterintuitive Tomorrow is valentines day I have someone who i am interested in but she is ghost like in nature not " ghosting " but more of an apparition we work together i may see her once or twice a week for a minute or less and the past few times I havent even seen her face no eye contact.... we touched hands fleetingly.... i keep fumbling this and maybe she won't kick or attempt a pass in direction but there is always the sexual harassment which are mostly offsides penalties I should be going to bed... wish me luck for any of the above