
Sunday, August 31, 2008

guest chef-ing.....

you would think that after 14? years of cooking - ( i count when i started culinary school as when my professional career started - 7/6/94 exactly - i had been cooking before that - stints at a summer camp.... etc - )

but this weekend is my first " guest chef " outing - I think the first of many...

It is at the Raven Cafe in Prescott, AZ - I'm excited - twice - one to ge tout of Tucson for a few days - and to actually cook my food - not the " health food " of my current job - sometimes you get tired of the same smells everyday...

Tuesday: Tuesday's dinner has been moved to Friday and Saturday. Why? Well, Tony has a guest chef coming up. Chef Dale Swann from Tucson's Canyon Ranch will be in the kitchen all weekend. What does this mean for you? Make plans for the weekend...there's gonna be a whole lotta goodness coming out of the kitchen.

so i will post pictures and such here.... eventually

1 comment:

Tony Burris said...

can you please wear that apron...looking forward to to you soon...