
Monday, January 18, 2010


i have/ had? a love affair with words - which sprang from those early formidable years with my dad - he was old school - like he remembers when movies were strictly in black and white... but that was then. - anyway my father is smart - in an eccentric way. i'd catch him reciting poems he learned in grade school ( in latin! ) he didn't finish high school and went straight to college so you may think that this genius was was lost with me

not so

i always tell people, just because i cook does not mean i am unintelligent

where am i?

oh words.

me and my dad would red the dictionary often - looking for derivations of words and where they came from latin, greek etc and to this day i read the dictionary to learn more about words

and one of my biggest pet peeves is people using words wrong or the wrong words
i choose them carefully in my speech and my writing
and if you ever catch me using the wrong word - trust me its on purpose.

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