
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Friends, Acquaintance, or Customer

I group ppl in three categories - well probably
more than that - but just three in this area
friends - I have a few that I keep in contact with - they are all spread out
all over the world - - I've lost a few willingly and unwillingly - but its good

my old motto - ( so yes if you have been reading this blog I have a motto AND a theme song )
used to be " I'll see you when I see you. " and I stuck by that - still do sort of

ahh the Acquaintance - due to my time in Sedona - and both jobs being open kitchens
I was very accessible - like handicap parking in front of wal -mart - ( ?? )
so if I counted how many ppl I have come in contact with and met it would probably
be in the thousands

and a few hundred marriage proposals - or do you want to come home with me
because of my food - i take it with a grain of salt
( most recently - 1/1/08 ) Ali's mom had some of my margarita sorbet and asked - will you marry me? - it was just sorbet..... )

" ha ha my mother still tells that story about the awesome sorbet! "

I now - want to be known more than what I do or used to do

and the rest are customers -
if i end up opening a place - i need customers - so 80% of the ppl I meet
are customers....

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